Our Lady of Hope Blog

The Transfiguration

by Fr. John Granato  |  02/25/2024  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

The Mass of the second Sunday of Lent is always the reading of the Transfiguration. In each Gospel (Matthew, Mark and Luke), it is the event that ushers in Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and the beginning of his passion. The Transfiguration on top of Mount Tabor consists of Jesus, Moses, Elijah, Peter, James and John. Moses and Elijah represent the Law and the Prophets. Peter, James and John are the three apostles that are privileged to be with Jesus during important events and miracles.


Archbishop ’s Annual Appeal

by Fr. John Granato  |  02/18/2024  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

It is the time of year again for the Archbishop ’s Annual Appeal. Last year we made 94 percent of our goal. That is amazing!! And we did that with only 20 percent of the parishioners who donated money. This year, our goal is the same as last year. Archbishop Blair is beginning the appeal, but very shortly, when he retires, Archbishop Coyne will be inheriting the appeal.


A Journey through Salvation History

by Fr. John Granato  |  02/11/2024  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

As I mentioned at Mass last week, I am beginning a Lenten series on Scott Hahn ’s book, A Father Who Keeps His Promises. It is a book on Salvation History and God’s covenants with his people. The five Old Testament covenants begin with Adam, then Noah, Abraham, Moses and David. The New Covenant is with Jesus Christ. The question that surrounds Jesus is “Why did Jesus have to die?” By following Salvation History and the five covenants of the Old Testament, we will come to the answer of that question.


Sacramentals and Blessings

by Fr. John Granato  |  02/04/2024  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

Ash Wednesday will soon be upon us. The receiving of ashes on our foreheads is a sign of penance. The ashes remind us that we are sinners and that we are called to repent, to change our way. There are two formulas that can be said while the ashes are being put on your forehead: “Turn away from sin and believe in the Gospel, ” or “Remember you are dust and unto dust you shall return.” The ashes themselves are a sacramental.
