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Our Lady of Hope Parish

One Parish Family, Two Church Locations


Saturday5:00pmImmaculate Heart of Mary
Sunday8:00amImmaculate Conception
 9:30amImmaculate Heart of Mary
 11:30amImmaculate Conception
Monday & Wednesday8:00amImmaculate Heart of Mary
Wednesday7:00pm Latin Mass Ordinary FormImmaculate Heart of Mary
Tuesday & Friday8:00amImmaculate Conception


Monday5:00-6:00pmImmaculate Conception
Wednesday6:00-6:45pmImmaculate Heart of Mary
Saturday3:30-4:45pmImmaculate Heart of Mary
Other times by appointment

How to go to ConfessionExamination of Conscience




The Heart of Christ and Our Journey to the Father

02-02-2025  |  Fr. John Granato

My Dear Friends,

When we read the letters of St. Paul, or truly listen to the words of Jesus Christ in the Gospels, or even listen intently to the prayers of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, we begin to notice that we are a theocentric religion; in other words, we praise and worship the Trinitarian God. But it goes deeper than just worshiping the Trinity. All of our prayers are, or should be, directed to the Father, through the Son and in the Holy Spirit. Jesus wants to bring us to the Father’s heart. In the second part of chapter three in Pope Francis’s encyclical, we see this more clearly. Francis writes, “Jesus wants to bring us to the Father. That is why, from the very beginning, the Church’s preaching does not end with Jesus, but with the Father. As source and fullness, the Father is ultimately the one to be glorified.” (paragraph 70). Francis quotes Pope St. John Paul II in paragraph 71, “the whole of the Christian life is like a great pilgrimage to the house of the Father.”

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Our Mission

Our Lady of Hope Parish strives to be a Catholic community of disciples who work together to build up the Kingdom of God on earth. We offer to all a share in our faith in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Our Vision

Our Lady of Hope Parish envisions a community characterized by spiritual vitality, stewardship, accountability, and social and financial responsibility—all for the sake of fulfilling our mission.