Announcements and Events

Library: Now more Accessible!
- Our Lady of Hope Parish’s Library is now open on the first floor of the social center! This new library location is much more accessible than its previous housing upstairs.
We have two brand new, custom-made, built-in bookcases inside the main entrance to the social center. There are many books available here.
Upcoming Events

The Bible? Open House at New England Catholic Biblical School.
From Jan 27 to Apr 30, come sit in on an online or in-person class and study all 73 books of the Bible at the New England Catholic Biblical School.

Experience the Power of Healing
In these challenging times, many of us carry burdens—be it physical ailments like cancer and kidney disease, emotional struggles like depression, anxiety, PTSD, and grief, or spiritual battles.

Nurturing Seedlings Program
We now have the dates available! Please join fellow parents and parishioners Mike Deleppo and Sabrina Woodruff, the facilitators of Our Lady of Hope’s branch of Nurturing Seedlings, on five consecutive Saturday evenings from 4:00-5:30pm with dinner to follow. Free childcare available if needed!

Super Bowl Sunday Party in a Bag Fundraiser
To benefit our teens attending the Steubenville East Conference. Drawing following the 11:30am Mass on Sun, Feb 9.

Endure - Marriage Enrichment
- Make your marriage a priority in the New Year!
- Have you ever wished you had a go-to playbook for the challenges of married life?

Wedding Anniversary Mass 2025
This year the Archdiocese of Hartford is celebrating its’ annual Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sat, Feb 15 at 4:00pm at the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Hartford

Monthly Life Teen Mass
3rd Sunday of the month at 5:00pm

Ask A Priest
On Sat, Mar 1, from 6:00 - 7:30pm at Social Center in Harwinton. Please join us after the 5 o'clock Mass for fellowship and theology.