"Called by Name"

by Fr. John Granato  |  06/09/2024  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

As mentioned last week, Archbishop Christopher Coyne is asking us to implement a new venture in the Archdiocese of Hartford, Called by Name. He is asking each parishioner of every parish in the Archdiocese of Hartford to identify a person who you think might make a good priest, a good deacon, or a good religious sister or brother. Fostering an environment of vocations is the responsibility of every Catholic.

We have many men and women in this parish, from teenage up to their 40’s and 50’s that are living the faith in a wonderful way. And just because someone names you as a young man or a young woman who may have a vocation as a priest or as a religious sister/nun, it does not mean you have to drop everything and enter a seminary or a convent.

I know the argument that many men have is that they want to be married and have children. That is great!!! We need priests who would make great husbands and fathers and who have a desire to be married. Giving up and sacrificing the comforts of a wife and family is an act of faith that God will bring you joy in your life and experience other comforts to compensate what you gave up for Christ. Do not be afraid of being celibate, whether you are a man or a woman. Sexual intimacy is a good thing and ordered by God to be experienced in a loving marital relationship, but we are more than just our sexual desires. Ordering our chastity in fidelity to our Church’s teachings brings much joy and satisfaction, even in the midst of the struggles, but as a wise married man once told me, there are just as many struggles and a possibility of loneliness even in marriage as there is if you remain single and chaste.

As St. Augustine once said, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you, My God. ” Embrace with joy that parishioners may find you an example of what a good priest or a religious sister is and be open to the Lord. God bless.