Happy Easter!

by Fr. John Granato  |  03/31/2024  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

Happy Easter!!!! Our Lord has not only risen, but he is very much alive!! He has conquered death and opened up the way to the Father! On this Easter Sunday we celebrate the love of Christ by commemorating his victory over death, but in all reality, we celebrate his victory over death each and every day. Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross is a perpetual offering to the Father, for he has transcended time and at the moment of breathing his last, he says to he Father, “Forgive them for they know not what they do, ” and “Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my Spirit.”

His sacrifice is finished, but like every Old Testament sacrifice, we are called to feast on the flesh of the offering. Jesus, the Lamb of God, offers his flesh for us, and we come to receive it in Holy Communion. The Sacrifice is not complete until we partake of the sacrificial victim. This perpetual sacrifice is renewed every day on the altars of our Catholic churches, which allows us to renew our covenant with God the Father. Every Mass, therefore, is an Easter Mass for every Mass is a commemoration and a true renewal of the Resurrection that is celebrated. When we understand this, we can see why the Church as traditionally used the phrase, The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; and yes, the Mass is sacrificial and it is the same time a meal, for we eat and drink the Body and Blood of Our Lord. Let is rejoice for Our Lord is truly Risen!! God bless.