Our Lady of Hope Blog

All Saints Day / All Souls Day

by Fr. John Granato  |  10/29/2023  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

This week we celebrate All Hallow’s Eve, more commonly known as Halloween, the evening before our Holy Day of Obligation, All Saints’ Day. The day following All Saints’ is All Souls’ Day. On this day we commemorate all who have died and are still in need of prayers before they enter into the presence of God in his eternal Glory. Throughout the month of November, we will remember our loved ones in the Book of the Dead as well as in our All Souls envelopes, which are placed on the altar at Mass for the thirty days of November.


October is Respect Life Month

by Fr. John Granato  |  10/22/2023  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

As you know, October is not only the month to honor Our Lady of the Rosary, but it also respect life month. Every year the Archdiocese of Hartford joins with the other dioceses throughout the United States to prayerfully pray for life from conception to natural death. We do so here in Our Lady of Hope by taking our parish’s turn in front of a Planned Parenthood that performs abortions, and we do a 24 hour adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. There are so many other ways for us to show our love for life, especially the life of the unborn.


The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary

by Fr. John Granato  |  10/15/2023  |  Words from Fr. John

My Dear Friends,

It is so hard to believe that we are at the midpoint of October. The days and weeks are flying by. October, as you may know or may remember from last year is the month devoted to the Holy Rosary. You may also have heard at least one Marian hymn during Mass for the Sundays of October. To honor our Blessed Mother is so important as Catholics, and every parish I have been assigned to I have made sure that we honor her in May and October with at least one hymn to her glory.


Moving Forward

by Fr. John  |  09/24/2023  |  Words from Fr. John

Since the pandemic in 2020, many churches, Catholic and Protestant, have suffered with the loss of active parishioners. In many Catholic churches throughout the country, but especially here in New England, the various faith formation classes for our young people have also continued to shrink. There is no magic program to get families back to church, but as Catholics, we do have something besides programs; we have the Holy Eucharist.
